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My name is Riley. I am a grey and white Miniature Alaskan Klee Kai puppy. I was born in Peyton, Colorado just like my fellow AKK, Roxie. As of January 2007, I am 11 months old. I share the house in Burbank with Roxie, two cats named Woody and Tabitha and three aquariums of tropical fish. Personally I don't bother with the fish but the cats fascinate me. I love the fact that they are able to climb trees and walls.
As you can see in the photo above, my coloring as a grey and white is mostly on my head and shoulders. The rest of my body looks somewhat like Roxie as far as color goes. I show more white and grey hair through my coat than she does. I have some light tan flash on my hind quarters just as she does. The major difference with the tan flash is that mine is a deeper shade and therefore more pronounced. As to body type, I am long and lean while Roxie has a more robust trunk and chest.
One common element that Roxie and I share is our love of chewing. We both enjoy a good bully stick from time to time. Another chewing treat is our small stuffed animals shaped like a fox, squirrel or duck. I myself am fond of the fox. That is the fox at my feet in the photo in the upper right of this page. He is laying on his side with the bottoms of his feet towards the camera. Roxie likes to pull the stuffing out of them and that makes me happy as well. There is nothing better than pulling the stuffing out of something.