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My name is Roxie. I am an Alaskan Klee Kai dog. I was born in June 2004. My new human family that adopted me lives in California. I am black and white AKK with a white mask around my face.

I was born in Peyton, Colorado at the Alaskan Klee Kai Kennelette. I have one brother as there were only two of us in the litter. My human family had made the decision to adopt an Alaskan Klee Kai dog after seeing the breed at the Pet Expo held at the Orange County fairgrounds in Orange County, California. My new mom, Sue, scoured the Internet looking for breeders. They found the Alaskan Klee Kai Kennelette and its gracious and knowledgeable owner, Eileen.
When I was born, Eileen emailed Sue and let her know that there were puppies available and I was among those that were included. After looking over all the candidates, I was the lucky one chosen! But I didn't really understand what the honor entailed. I sure found out quickly.

On Tuesday August 17th, I was put in my crate and driven to Denver to catch a BIG airplane to Los Angeles, California! I was pretty scared as it was a long car ride to the airport and the airport is a large, noisy and scary place for a little puppy. Onto a United Airline flight I went. My crate had a soft plush blanket, two water bowls with ice to keep the water cool, some toys if I got too bored and me.
After a long flight, I landed at LAX. I was whisked off the plane and delivered right away to the cargo facilities of United Airlines. The nice man there even called my new human mom on her cell phone to let her know I had arrived.

Mom picked me up right away. She is a really nice lady who talked to me the whole way to my new home in Burbank. I was still scared but hearing her talk to me made me relax some but I still was anxious.

To learn more about my life, read my blog, OK?