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February Salutations

We are well into the New Year and we haven't written a thing. Sorry about that.

The end of the year holidays came and went. We had fun at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The rest of the family was out of town for New Years but we had fun without them. I guess the biggest news recently is our new doggy dentist.

Both Riley and I needed our teeth cleaned as well as a review of our general dental health. Dad researched a new dentist for us to visit. He found Advanced Veterinary Dentistry. They are located in Pasadena, not too far from where we live. So off we went to meet Dr. Lynn.

Our first general appointment was a real treat. Dr. Lynn thought we were so cute and gentle. But we needed more than just our teeth cleaned! Bad Dad for not being more diligent! We both needed an extraction as we had broken some teeth earlier in our lives. After we went back for our needed work, we were shown our X-rays and what was done to bring us back to good entail health.

In the near future, both Riley and I need a root canal. Its odd but we both have broken a portion of tooth that has allowed for decay to occur in the root of the tooth. Dr. Lynn thinks that this came about because we love to chew on hard chews and bones. Dad has pulled back on the hardest cookies and toys for us so as to not aggravate the condition.

Dad learned how to brush our teeth. He also learned about rinsing our teeth and gums with an oral rinse. Brushing is weird for the two of us but I know we will adapt.

On another note, please mark your calendars for April 19-21 as Pet Expo in Costa Mesa, CA is coming up. Once again we will be going to the show and hanging out with our fellow AKK at the AKK booth. Come on by and visit. Meet us, our owners, fellow owners, breeders and of course our canine relatives. You might even see a rare "red" AKK. Its true, they do exist but are very rare. Until then, bye bye!