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Sad News For Us

Some sad news that I need to let you know about. Our sister cat, Tabitha has passed over the rainbow bridge. She and a car ran into each other and she lost the battle. The end came quickly though and we hope that she left this world with as little pain and suffering as possible. Our brother cat, Woody has had a hard time adjusting as have we. Hugo never really got a chance to know her and that is a shame. We will miss you, Tabitha.



The Pack Grows Larger

Big news everyone! The pack is growing larger. As of Friday May 31st, Steven is the proud father of a brand new AKK puppy. He is named Hugo. You can read about it on a new page entitled “About Hugo”. He is one cool puppy. Riley and I approve! I’ll follow up with more news as we settle in and get to know each other.
