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Fall Is Upon Me

October has arrived and I am noticing that the trees in my backyard are shedding their leaves. More toys for me is how I see it but Dad just sees something to clean up and put in the green waste barrel. I love to pick the leaves up in my mouth and run around the yard with them. I chew them and spit them out only to grab a mouthful of new ones. Such joy!

I am continuing to grow. My legs are longer as well as my tail and torso. My ears are just as big as they always were. They just seem to remain huge. I am told by Mom that my fur remains soft and silky.

I spend my days now outside as my family is off to either work or school. Sooner or later, they will trust me enough to give me in and out privileges through the cat door. I can already go through it. The family just needs to trust that I will do my business outside on my own accord. They call that house trained I think.

The best news is that at night I sleep on Mom and Dad's bed. They don't crate me up any more. I can stretch out or snuggle with Mom if I want to. I don't make a mess and Dad gets up at night so he takes me out in the middle of the night and gives me a chance to take care of business. I am proud to say I have not had an accident since they let me sleep on the bed. Just before they turn out the light, I will sing to them as well as play with my Mom and Dad. I love to try and take my bully stick away from them just for the fun of it.

One other development of consequence is that Woody the cat (he is the large orange cat of the house) sleeps on the bed with me as well. He isn't cuddly or anything but he does tolerate me. No hissing or growling either, mind you. We all share the bed. Now Tabitha (the other cat of the house) continues to treat me as the enemy. She hisses at me all the time. Inside the kitchen, out in the yard, heck everywhere! Of course, I have decided to tease her so I chase her through the yard and sometimes in the house. She is one weird feline. I do like her but she won't give me a break. Someday, maybe she will grow tired of the silliness and accept me.

Well, I'm off to the back yard to chew leaves, chase my tail and enjoy the day. I hope you enjoy your day too.
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