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Thanksgiving Blessings

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Steven has come home from the University of Michigan for the holiday weekend. As promised, Mom and he dressed us up in our special dog sized University of Michigan sports jerseys. Dad grabbed the camera and as you see here we are in our cool jerseys.

Riley looks the best between the two of us as his long body type fits the jersey better than my more compact body type. I think the blue and the maize is quite attractive on me. My black and white color patterns really contrast nicely with the jersey. My complaint is that the jersey is too long and I don't like to run around in it. In fact, I look silly trying to even walk in it. Fortunately, Mom pulled the jerseys off the both of us a few minutes after the above photo was taken.

We get to hang with Steven for a few more days and then he is off to school in Ann Arbor until the Christmas break. We miss him terribly but are so happy to know that he will return in the not so distant future.

Goodbye for now. May your holidays be joyous and peaceful!


A Long Awaited Update

Hello once again from the Media City, Burbank, CA. We Klee Kai's have been having a busy summer and fall.

Summer brought a lot of heat to our part of the world but we survived it well enough. The big happenings were the two weeks that the family took for vacation and the start of college for our big brother Steven.

Vacation plans didn't include us traveling with the family as they flew to the Bahamas. Riley and I stayed at home. Dana (Dad's sister) house sat and therefore took care of us. It worked out well as we were taken on walks morning and night. She fed us well. Ice cubes were put out on occasion which we enjoy both for the cooling effect but also for crunching and eating in the hot weather. Yum! The best part of the trip was when Dad, Mom and Steven returned home. Riley and I danced, jumped and sang for joy! I talked, sang, barked, scolded and cried for quite a while at all three of them. I was that happy. Riley did all that and more as he kept jumping up on the furniture to get closer to everyone. Happy, happy......

This fall, Steven starts his college years. He is attending the University of Michigan. As a little gift to Riley and myself, Steven bought us a dog toy that is a circle of rope colored blue with a blue/maize colored cloth center that bears the emblem of the University on it. As you can see from the picture, we chewed it up already. That level of damage took the both of us about three days to accomplish. Steven wants to buy the both of us new dog collars with neckerchiefs that bear the school logo and colors. Mom and Dad think that Riley will tear the neckerchiefs up right away. I hope that he will buy them anyway. I'd wear mine long enough to get my picture taken and I'm sure Riley would do the same.

Even though Steven is very far away from us, we can see and talk to him via a web camera link that Steven and Dad have set up. In fact, this morning Mom, Dad, Riley and I spoke with and saw Steven before he headed out to the Michigan/Notre Dame football game. It is really a neat way to keep in touch. Riley and I are still perplexed on how Steven can see/talk to us. I am a little shy about it all but it is good to hear his voice.

Mom and Dad think that the two of us would like to visit school as they tell us that the cold winter weather would not bother us and the snow would be something for us to experience. I'll buy that but Riley might not be so inclined. I doubt we'll be going any time soon as the plane ride there is five hours long and I'm not much for being in a crate that long.

It's time to sign off as there are squirrels to chase and bully sticks to chew on. Riley and I will write again, I promise. Maybe Riley will write our entry next time around. Cheers and goodbye for now!


Lots To Update You About

Roxie here: I have a lot to update you about. The biggest bit of excitement to happen to Riley and I was a visit from a puppy from Grandma Eileen. His name is Scooby. He is a black and white AKK who has been adopted by a family from Guatemala. He arrived in Los Angeles on May 25th from Colorado on a United Airline flight. He was totally at home with us while visiting. Mom, Steven and Dad hosted dinner for Scooby and his new Mom and Dad. The time that we spent with him went by so quickly. he is now happily at home in Guatemala. He is officially the first AKK in Central America. Way to go, Scooby!
Scooby the puppy

A Busy Weekend

It is Sunday night and your Burbank AKK are tired. We attended the Pet Expo on Saturday. It was a great success.

We left Burbank and traveled down to the Orange County fairgrounds and arrived around 9:40AM. Riley and I traveled in the same crate which was a little crowded but not too bad. I think it would have been worse if we had been separated into our own crates for the journey. I would not have enjoyed being apart from Riley.

Mom walked us to the booth while Dad, Steven and Aunt Dana brought up the rear with all the other items necessary for our day at the Expo. I saw Lo and her dogs Mac, Mali and Ruby again. I didn't remeber the other AKK there but I am more of a people person than a dog person. Riley seemed to enjoy the day as well.

I'll write more about the weekend soon. I promise I will. In the meantime, please check out the photo page entitled Pet Expo 2007 to see some pictures taken on Saturday. You can also go to
Flickr.com to see the full size versions of these photos as well. Use the tag "AKK". Goodbye for now and thanks for dropping by.

Birds, Bees and Owwies!

Riley here: I am still getting used to the backyard of the house it seems. I cannot for the life of me tell the difference between a housefly and a bee. But on Tuesday evening, I may have learned a big lesson about insects. There was an insect crawling around on the pavers. Bee or fly? Hmmmm, lets pick it up in our mouth. Owww!!!!! That hurts! Mistake on my part, don't you know.

It turns out it was a bee. He didn't like me so he stung me in the mouth on the left side. The left side of my muzzle was swollen and tender. It wasn't very pleasant. Dad read on the Internet that one could give a dog or cat liquid Benadryl in a prescribed amount to relieve the swelling and discomfort. So I got a dropper full of Benadryl. Cherry flavor, blah!!!! It did lower the swelling and by the next morning I was close to my normal self. I think from now on I'll just look but not touch any insect.

Roxie here: Its Friday afternoon and the two of us are back from the groomers. We look sharp if I do say so myself. Riley and I are starting to "blow" our winter coats. It feels so good to get rid of our excess fur. With summer coming, I look forward to a lighter coat.

The main reason to get gussied up is that tomorrow the family, Riley and I go to the Orange County Fairgrounds to attend and represent the AKK breed at Pet Expo. It should be so exciting! The weather is warm but not too hot. There is a pleasant breeze here in Burbank at the moment. If the weather is the same in Costa Mesa tomorrow, it will be glorious.

We'll see other AKK from Southern and Central California at the AKK booth. The general public will get a chance to see us and ask all the usual questions about the breed. How big or small do we get, our temperment and so on are typical questions. Maybe we'll see you there tomorrow? If you are at the Pet Expo do drop by and say "Hi!". The AKK booth is number 119/120. You can't miss it. It will be surrounded by the curious public. Bye for now!