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Fall Happenings

The months have passed so quickly. College started for Steven. Halloween has come and gone. Thanksgiving is looming as well as Christmas.

Since I haven’t written much these past few months, I’ll try to catch you up on the happenings here in Burbank.

As you may recall, Riley had been catching squirrels in our backyard. I am pleased to report that he has not caught any more. Both of us chase the little bushy tailed devils but we don’t catch them now. I’m not sure if they are learning not to put themselves in harms way or we’re not trying as hard. Either way, Mom and Dad are pleased that they don’t need to dispose of squirrel carcasses anymore.

That’s not to say that Dad isn’t on dead animal patrol anymore. The household cats have taken it upon themselves to de-mouse the neighborhood. In one week, Tabitha or Woody would bring home with great feline pride a mouse or a rat every night. One night, Woody dropped off a dying rat in the dining room and I picked it up. Dad immediately commanded me to “drop it”. I did so but I stood guard over it just in case. Dad made it disappear. Sigh!

Riley and I look forward to our next trip to the groomers. We both need a good wash and blow dry. The groomers like us as we enjoy being in the tub at the same time. We get lathered up and soaking wet. I am told that when we are wet we resemble drowned rats. Imagine that! I hope we go soon.

Mom and Dad are going to visit Steven at his college this November. Auntie (Dad’s sister) is going to take care of us. I like that as she walks us in the morning and at night. Riley and I both enjoy a good walk.

I’ll do my best to write more often as I’ll have more to tell everyone as the holidays come and go. Bye for now!


Riley's Fall From Grace

Riley fell prey to his canine instincts this morning.

The two of us were resting in the screened porch that overlooks the backyard. From out of the corner of my eye, I spied a young squirrel drop down into our yard. Now I am all for a good chase but I don’t ever want to catch the squirrels. Unfortunately, Riley doesn’t quite share my beliefs. In a flash, the two of us were off to chase that squirrel. Before I could stop him, Riley cornered the squirrel and then grabbed him by the neck. The squirrel let out such a disturbing cry of panic.

Mom and Dad heard the commotion. They ran out into the yard, yelling and screaming at Riley to drop the squirrel. Instead, he ran around with the poor creature firmly clenched in his mouth. No amount of protestations could persuade Riley to release his grip. In fact, he readjusted his prey in his mouth and in the process, I think he snapped the poor squirrel’s neck.

Mom was finally able to force Riley to drop the listless form from his mouth. Dad donned some leather gloves and gently picked up the little guy. He was completely limp and not breathing. He was dead. Mom and Dad took him from us. I don’t know what they did with him. Riley and I never saw him again.

Riley knew he had displeased Mom and Dad but he doesn’t understand. He was only following his instincts. I’ll try to help keep him on the strait and narrow. Wish me luck.

Riley with dog toy
The Guilty Party


Summer Passing

Summer is over and we AKK have not posted anything for months. Riley and I apologize profusely. We hope you can forgive us.

The missing months have been busy.

Pet Expo came and went so quickly. Riley and I attended along with a goodly number of our fellow Alaskan Klee Kai. Our day to be there was on Sunday. It seemed less busy than the last two times we attended. I chalk that up to it being a very hot weekend and the last day of the show. Perhaps we’ll go back to being there on Saturday. I like more activity and more people to meet. I know Mom and Dad like to meet the public and answer all their questions.

We have new next door neighbors. They have a Golden Retriever. She is nice enough but sometimes I wish she would bark less. She barks at the squirrels which is OK but does she really need to continue to bark long after they have run away? Riley and I then have to wait until she stops making all that noise for the squirrels to come back. After all, we love to chase them around our yard. We haven’t caught any yet but I don’t expect to as they are so darned fast!

With August ending, Steven flew back to the University of Michigan for his second year of college. We miss him terribly. Mom and Dad have had a video chat over the Internet with him already. Dad held both of us up for Steven to see us and I heard and saw Steven but it wasn’t the same as being with us. Maybe he will buy us an U-Mich dog toy and send it to us. Yes, they do have dog toys with the school colors and logo on them. Riley and I are partial to the rope circles with the school logo in the middle. It is perfect for a tug of war.

If you want a good calendar that highlights our breed you should check out the new calendar from the AKKAOA. Riley and I are the September 2008 dogs. I don’t know if any are left to purchase but you might want to find out. That’s all for now. Bye and have a great fall.

Roxie napping with toy


A Pet Expo Update

The time is coming when we get to visit some of our fellow Alaskan Klee Kai at Pet Expo. Riley and I have received our information packet detailing the Pet Expo. If I read this correctly, there should be more than 27 Klee Kai on the Sunday we will be attending. And I didn't count the puppies that we are told may be there.

We are going to be at booths 119 and 120.

The Alaskan Klee Kai have grown in attendance since Mom, Steven and Dad first found the booth all those years ago. It was crazy busy then but now its insanely busy with lots of dogs and their owners in attendance. There will be several breeders there to answer questions about the process of making one of us a member of your family. Ask away with all of your questions. We'll try our best to answer all of them.

Mom has scheduled a session at the groomers for us. That involves a bath and having our nails trimmed. We get brushed down as well. The outcome of all of this pampering is a sleek and silky Roxie and Riley.

Hope to see you there!

Spring Is Here!

Hello Springtime!

We Alaskan Klee Kai do like the mild winters of Southern California but it is even better when spring arrives. The days and nights are mild. The flowers start to bloom. The squirrels get frisky. Boy, do the squirrels get frisky!

They are foolish enough to enter our backyard to romp and play. Of course that means that we get to chase them across the lawn, into the bushes and up the nearest tree. Once in the tree, the squirrel or squirrels make such a racket as they scold us for only being ourselves. I mean we are part of the Northern Breed family with all the traits that are part of that heritage. We are pack dogs that love to hunt and chase our prey i.e. squirrels. We love to run and go on long walks. Its just us being us. Those squirrels need to get over it.

The Pet Expo is coming up in April. It starts on Friday, April 11th and runs through Sunday, April 13th. Riley and I will be there with Mom and Dad on Sunday the 13th. If you want to meet us and see other Alaskan Klee Kai, it is your best opportunity. The web site is here. I do hope you will come on by and say "Hi".

In preparation for the Expo, Dad is trying to clear up my tear stains under my eyes. Some dogs get these stains, some don't. Riley doesn't have the problem. However, I get them. To that end, I am using a product called Angels Eyes. It seems to have dried up my tears. Now if only my fur will grow out more so that the present stains will grow out. While I wait for the fur to grow, Dad is applying another product called Diamond Eyes. It is supposed to whiten or at least lighten the old stains. It appears to help but it is a slow process. Wish me luck.