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Summer Passing

Summer is over and we AKK have not posted anything for months. Riley and I apologize profusely. We hope you can forgive us.

The missing months have been busy.

Pet Expo came and went so quickly. Riley and I attended along with a goodly number of our fellow Alaskan Klee Kai. Our day to be there was on Sunday. It seemed less busy than the last two times we attended. I chalk that up to it being a very hot weekend and the last day of the show. Perhaps we’ll go back to being there on Saturday. I like more activity and more people to meet. I know Mom and Dad like to meet the public and answer all their questions.

We have new next door neighbors. They have a Golden Retriever. She is nice enough but sometimes I wish she would bark less. She barks at the squirrels which is OK but does she really need to continue to bark long after they have run away? Riley and I then have to wait until she stops making all that noise for the squirrels to come back. After all, we love to chase them around our yard. We haven’t caught any yet but I don’t expect to as they are so darned fast!

With August ending, Steven flew back to the University of Michigan for his second year of college. We miss him terribly. Mom and Dad have had a video chat over the Internet with him already. Dad held both of us up for Steven to see us and I heard and saw Steven but it wasn’t the same as being with us. Maybe he will buy us an U-Mich dog toy and send it to us. Yes, they do have dog toys with the school colors and logo on them. Riley and I are partial to the rope circles with the school logo in the middle. It is perfect for a tug of war.

If you want a good calendar that highlights our breed you should check out the new calendar from the AKKAOA. Riley and I are the September 2008 dogs. I don’t know if any are left to purchase but you might want to find out. That’s all for now. Bye and have a great fall.

Roxie napping with toy

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