Favorites Web Sites

Coming Up For Air

It has been a long, long time since Dad transcribed my thoughts for this web site.

Perhaps it seems fitting that he found the time and the inspiration to do so as Mom and Dad went to Doggie Avenue today. Doggie Avenue is a local shop in Burbank devoted to family members who happen to be of the canine persuasion. They carry a small but select variety of collars, leashes, dog treats, dog food and some of the most fashionable canine fashion around. They also provide dog grooming services.

Mom wanted to pick up more treats for Riley and myself as we are a picky pair when it comes to our treats. One treat in particular looks like a small crunchy rectangular brown cookie. It smells of molasses. It smells wonderful! Trust me on this. Any way I digress....Mom thought we had eaten them all and needed to stock up on more of them. That was the reason that my human parents had gone to Doggie Avenue.

Mom sometimes goes a little overboard in trying out new treats on us. Mind you we don’t really mind. It is a trait that endears her to the two of us. So not only did Mom and Dad score the cookies we love (Dr. Harvey’s Barkotti) but she bought a selection of new treats as well. We now have something to look forward to as we head towards the end of another year.

One of the owners of Doggie Avenue wanted to know what an Alaskan Klee Kai looks like so Dad directed him to our web site. On seeing my picture, the response was “She is so cute!”. With that Dad realized that our web site had been static for far too long. With that kick in the seat of his pants, Dad took me aside and asked me what should we write about. And that is how this small posting came about.

Riley and I would like to send a shout out to the gang at Doggie Avenue. Keep up the good work and please keep a stock of Dr. Harvey’s Barkotti available for us. We hope to make a visit in person soon to thank you personally.

Take care everyone!