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Christmas Is Coming!

Having been home for almost three weeks from California K9 Academy, I have pretty much settled into my own routine. My folks have put up the lights on the outside of the house and there is a tree in our living room. Its interesting but I don't understand why they did what they did. There are lights on it, shiny colorful balls and ribbon. It is of no interest to me though as I am not allowed to play with it.

There are presents all over the house as well. Mom talks about Christmas and how the family is getting together to celebrate. I will meet Mom's mom and Mom's best friend as they are coming to my house to visit. It should be interesting.

The weather is warm again. I liked it when it was chilly and cold. It is more my taste in temperature. My fur keeps me warm so cold doesn't bother me. I particularly like to run and frolic in the leaves that have fallen from the trees in the backyard. Dad has raked them into a big pile. Steven or Dad will throw one of my tennis balls into the pile. I will then charge head on into the pile looking for it. Leaves fly everywhere and the big pile is reduced to nothing in moments. Dad then patiently rakes the leaves back up and the process starts all over again.

I sometimes miss my dog friends that I met at the Academy. I enjoy playing with my human family but there is no comparison to roughhousing with another dog. Koko was my size but too aggressive for me and my mini-Schnauzer friend went home to her family before I left the Academy. The cats around the house still hiss at me but I have learned to pay them no heed. In fact, Tabitha will sit in the backyard while I am out and about. Life is pretty good.

I Go To Boarding School

I am so shy sometimes that my family doesn't know what to make of me. So they checked me into a dog training school in the town where we live. Its called the California K9 Academy. I was taken to the back kennels and placed in a crate to allow me to calm down and relax. Mom, Dad and Steven left me there but thats because if they had said goodbye I would have been even more upset.

I stayed there at the Academy for a total of six weeks. After three weeks of work and practice, my trainer Yaisa had my family come and visit. As a part of their visit, they learned to properly handle me via a leash and learned the commands I had learned. They did pretty well for first timers. I showed them that I had learned my lessons well.

My shyness has been lessened by learning that I I am bigger dog than I thought. My confidence has grown as well. I sit, lay down and walk on my leash like a proper, well behaved dog. As a puppy though I still have my lapses but as I grow older I will do better.

I'll tell you more about the Academy later. Bye for now!

Fall Is Upon Me

October has arrived and I am noticing that the trees in my backyard are shedding their leaves. More toys for me is how I see it but Dad just sees something to clean up and put in the green waste barrel. I love to pick the leaves up in my mouth and run around the yard with them. I chew them and spit them out only to grab a mouthful of new ones. Such joy!

I am continuing to grow. My legs are longer as well as my tail and torso. My ears are just as big as they always were. They just seem to remain huge. I am told by Mom that my fur remains soft and silky.

I spend my days now outside as my family is off to either work or school. Sooner or later, they will trust me enough to give me in and out privileges through the cat door. I can already go through it. The family just needs to trust that I will do my business outside on my own accord. They call that house trained I think.

The best news is that at night I sleep on Mom and Dad's bed. They don't crate me up any more. I can stretch out or snuggle with Mom if I want to. I don't make a mess and Dad gets up at night so he takes me out in the middle of the night and gives me a chance to take care of business. I am proud to say I have not had an accident since they let me sleep on the bed. Just before they turn out the light, I will sing to them as well as play with my Mom and Dad. I love to try and take my bully stick away from them just for the fun of it.

One other development of consequence is that Woody the cat (he is the large orange cat of the house) sleeps on the bed with me as well. He isn't cuddly or anything but he does tolerate me. No hissing or growling either, mind you. We all share the bed. Now Tabitha (the other cat of the house) continues to treat me as the enemy. She hisses at me all the time. Inside the kitchen, out in the yard, heck everywhere! Of course, I have decided to tease her so I chase her through the yard and sometimes in the house. She is one weird feline. I do like her but she won't give me a break. Someday, maybe she will grow tired of the silliness and accept me.

Well, I'm off to the back yard to chew leaves, chase my tail and enjoy the day. I hope you enjoy your day too.

Musings From The Missing

Its been some time since I have posted anything. Its not that I don't have anything to say, on the contrary I have been most busy. I am swamped with all that is going on at home and with my family. I'll give you an example.

My parents are having the outside of our house painted. That means strange people coming over, making a lot of noise as they scrape, clean, prepare and prime. Then they paint the house. My oh my, such a nuisance. I get all worked up by the constant activity. Thank goodness that the painting is almost done.

I am growing up quite nicely thank you very much. I now weigh 6 lbs. 6 oz. I am longer in both body and in my legs. That translates into more speed as I charge around the backyard, playing fetch and chasing Woody and Tabitha, my feline companions. They are so foolish as they hiss and then run from me. If they would hold their ground, they would soon find out that I am just as afraid of them as they are of me. Tabitha usually goes up onto the back cider block wall when I chase her.

Sunday September 12th was a day that I surprised my family with my intelligence. They had gone out for Steven's birthday dinner and of course locked me outside as I am a little puppy and I am still being house trained. Imagine their surprise when upon returning home they found me inside. How did I pull that off you may ask? I have been watching how the cats go in and out through their cat door. I figured if the cats could do it so could I. And presto, I can go into the house without a problem.

On Thursday September 23rd, I went to Mom's work for the day. At first, it was frightening but as the day progressed I settled into the routine of the office. Diane, a really nice lady at Mom's office (and now my godmother) gave me a squeaky rubber duck toy. I cherish it. It is black and it has painted-on "X"s for eyes. I call it "Dead Ducky". When I put it in my mouth and squeeze, he squeaks at me. How cool is that? A fine fellow named Jeff made me welcome by getting down on the floor and playing with me.

While there, I also met a new best friend. Her name is Emma. She is Janet's daughter. I apparently charmed her to no end. She really took a shine to me. I went on a walk with her at one point in the day. Loads of fun.

I hope to write more often. Thats all for now.

Traveling Tales

Saturday was a big day for Roxie. I survived my shampoo for mites though I still hate the experience. Mom gave me some new toys to play with. She bought a case of "bully sticks" that I love to chew on. They help with my teething. I got another bed as well. One is for the inside of the house and the other is for use outside in the screened in porch. This is in preparation for when Steven goes back to school. What that really means is that I will be put in the porch area along with my bed, crate and food and water while the family is at work and school.

I traveled Saturday evening with my family to their friends' house. It was a thirty minute car ride. I was a little apprehensive on the way there. A bed just for me was in the back seat. I sat on it with Steven sitting in the seat beside me.

I met my family's friends. They are really nice. They have a son and two daughters. The girls thought I was really cute and wanted to pet and hold me.

After getting to know them, I had no problem being held and petted. I relaxed and zoned out in both girl's laps. They took turns holding me. At one point later in the evening, a ball was found. I loved chasing it and barking at it. Everybody laughed at my antics. I just felt at home.

On the ride home, I fell asleep on my car bed. Very soft and comfortable. A good end to a great day. Perhaps I'll write more later. Bye for now!