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Traveling Tales

Saturday was a big day for Roxie. I survived my shampoo for mites though I still hate the experience. Mom gave me some new toys to play with. She bought a case of "bully sticks" that I love to chew on. They help with my teething. I got another bed as well. One is for the inside of the house and the other is for use outside in the screened in porch. This is in preparation for when Steven goes back to school. What that really means is that I will be put in the porch area along with my bed, crate and food and water while the family is at work and school.

I traveled Saturday evening with my family to their friends' house. It was a thirty minute car ride. I was a little apprehensive on the way there. A bed just for me was in the back seat. I sat on it with Steven sitting in the seat beside me.

I met my family's friends. They are really nice. They have a son and two daughters. The girls thought I was really cute and wanted to pet and hold me.

After getting to know them, I had no problem being held and petted. I relaxed and zoned out in both girl's laps. They took turns holding me. At one point later in the evening, a ball was found. I loved chasing it and barking at it. Everybody laughed at my antics. I just felt at home.

On the ride home, I fell asleep on my car bed. Very soft and comfortable. A good end to a great day. Perhaps I'll write more later. Bye for now!
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