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I Go To Boarding School

I am so shy sometimes that my family doesn't know what to make of me. So they checked me into a dog training school in the town where we live. Its called the California K9 Academy. I was taken to the back kennels and placed in a crate to allow me to calm down and relax. Mom, Dad and Steven left me there but thats because if they had said goodbye I would have been even more upset.

I stayed there at the Academy for a total of six weeks. After three weeks of work and practice, my trainer Yaisa had my family come and visit. As a part of their visit, they learned to properly handle me via a leash and learned the commands I had learned. They did pretty well for first timers. I showed them that I had learned my lessons well.

My shyness has been lessened by learning that I I am bigger dog than I thought. My confidence has grown as well. I sit, lay down and walk on my leash like a proper, well behaved dog. As a puppy though I still have my lapses but as I grow older I will do better.

I'll tell you more about the Academy later. Bye for now!
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