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Fall Happenings

The months have passed so quickly. College started for Steven. Halloween has come and gone. Thanksgiving is looming as well as Christmas.

Since I haven’t written much these past few months, I’ll try to catch you up on the happenings here in Burbank.

As you may recall, Riley had been catching squirrels in our backyard. I am pleased to report that he has not caught any more. Both of us chase the little bushy tailed devils but we don’t catch them now. I’m not sure if they are learning not to put themselves in harms way or we’re not trying as hard. Either way, Mom and Dad are pleased that they don’t need to dispose of squirrel carcasses anymore.

That’s not to say that Dad isn’t on dead animal patrol anymore. The household cats have taken it upon themselves to de-mouse the neighborhood. In one week, Tabitha or Woody would bring home with great feline pride a mouse or a rat every night. One night, Woody dropped off a dying rat in the dining room and I picked it up. Dad immediately commanded me to “drop it”. I did so but I stood guard over it just in case. Dad made it disappear. Sigh!

Riley and I look forward to our next trip to the groomers. We both need a good wash and blow dry. The groomers like us as we enjoy being in the tub at the same time. We get lathered up and soaking wet. I am told that when we are wet we resemble drowned rats. Imagine that! I hope we go soon.

Mom and Dad are going to visit Steven at his college this November. Auntie (Dad’s sister) is going to take care of us. I like that as she walks us in the morning and at night. Riley and I both enjoy a good walk.

I’ll do my best to write more often as I’ll have more to tell everyone as the holidays come and go. Bye for now!

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