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Riley's Fall From Grace

Riley fell prey to his canine instincts this morning.

The two of us were resting in the screened porch that overlooks the backyard. From out of the corner of my eye, I spied a young squirrel drop down into our yard. Now I am all for a good chase but I don’t ever want to catch the squirrels. Unfortunately, Riley doesn’t quite share my beliefs. In a flash, the two of us were off to chase that squirrel. Before I could stop him, Riley cornered the squirrel and then grabbed him by the neck. The squirrel let out such a disturbing cry of panic.

Mom and Dad heard the commotion. They ran out into the yard, yelling and screaming at Riley to drop the squirrel. Instead, he ran around with the poor creature firmly clenched in his mouth. No amount of protestations could persuade Riley to release his grip. In fact, he readjusted his prey in his mouth and in the process, I think he snapped the poor squirrel’s neck.

Mom was finally able to force Riley to drop the listless form from his mouth. Dad donned some leather gloves and gently picked up the little guy. He was completely limp and not breathing. He was dead. Mom and Dad took him from us. I don’t know what they did with him. Riley and I never saw him again.

Riley knew he had displeased Mom and Dad but he doesn’t understand. He was only following his instincts. I’ll try to help keep him on the strait and narrow. Wish me luck.

Riley with dog toy
The Guilty Party

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