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Birds, Bees and Owwies!

Riley here: I am still getting used to the backyard of the house it seems. I cannot for the life of me tell the difference between a housefly and a bee. But on Tuesday evening, I may have learned a big lesson about insects. There was an insect crawling around on the pavers. Bee or fly? Hmmmm, lets pick it up in our mouth. Owww!!!!! That hurts! Mistake on my part, don't you know.

It turns out it was a bee. He didn't like me so he stung me in the mouth on the left side. The left side of my muzzle was swollen and tender. It wasn't very pleasant. Dad read on the Internet that one could give a dog or cat liquid Benadryl in a prescribed amount to relieve the swelling and discomfort. So I got a dropper full of Benadryl. Cherry flavor, blah!!!! It did lower the swelling and by the next morning I was close to my normal self. I think from now on I'll just look but not touch any insect.

Roxie here: Its Friday afternoon and the two of us are back from the groomers. We look sharp if I do say so myself. Riley and I are starting to "blow" our winter coats. It feels so good to get rid of our excess fur. With summer coming, I look forward to a lighter coat.

The main reason to get gussied up is that tomorrow the family, Riley and I go to the Orange County Fairgrounds to attend and represent the AKK breed at Pet Expo. It should be so exciting! The weather is warm but not too hot. There is a pleasant breeze here in Burbank at the moment. If the weather is the same in Costa Mesa tomorrow, it will be glorious.

We'll see other AKK from Southern and Central California at the AKK booth. The general public will get a chance to see us and ask all the usual questions about the breed. How big or small do we get, our temperment and so on are typical questions. Maybe we'll see you there tomorrow? If you are at the Pet Expo do drop by and say "Hi!". The AKK booth is number 119/120. You can't miss it. It will be surrounded by the curious public. Bye for now!
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