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Christmas Tales

I hope Christmas was a time of great joy and celebration for everyone. My family all got together to celebrate the season. I was left at home Christmas Eve but Christmas Day I celebrated with all my family around me.

As everyone on Christmas morning were opening their stockings and taking turns unwrapping their gifts, I was busy opening presents for me. I don't really have a stocking but there was a bag for me. My family watched and laughed as I pulled gift after gift out of the bag. One gift I really liked was a peanut butter flavored large knotted rope. I immediately grabbed it and headed outside through my dog door. I ripped and pulled the cardboard label off of it. Then I started in on chewing on the rope. It tasted pretty good and I really liked the big knots on either end. I will undo them yet!

More goings on later that week, include the planting of two trees in the backyard to replace the ones blown over earlier.

The biggest news is that Mom is getting a new car! She tells me that it is going to be a red Infiniti M-35 sedan. She is going to get it this coming Saturday. I won't see it until late that day as Mom is flying to Las Vegas in the morning to pick it up and drive it back. The downside is that I won't see Dad, Mom or Steven as they are all going to get the car. The upside is that I will be staying at Elmer's house (my best dog buddy) until I am picked up Saturday evening. Cool.

All the best for you and yours as the year ends and a new one starts. Happy New Year to all! May it be prosperous and full of happiness for one and all. Winking
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