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It Was A Big Weekend!

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I got some turkey scraps. They certainly were tasty. I wish I could have more but Dad said that they were a special treat. Everyone that came by the house were quite friendly and really loved me. I am sooooo cute. Heh, heh, heh........

Saturday night was a blustery night. High winds whipped through the trees here. It was really blowing up a storm. As I was going out to the backyard with Dad, there was a loud snapping sound. BOOM! CRASH! Two of the trees in the yard came crashing down. The tree that my cat friends like was now laying in the yard, covering the lawn. Beside it was Mom's favorite orchid tree. Bummer!

The good news is that no one was hurt. The bad news is the trees are still lying across the backyard lawn. It really cuts down on my area to run around in. They will be removed some time and replacements planted. Until then I will need to be patient.

I can live with it all as I am getting more than my fair share of love and attention. Bye for now. Laugh
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