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Summer Is Winding Down

Its the last Sunday in August. It is really blazing hot. For a Klee Kai who is used to more temperate weather, this is tiring. I get so worn out playing outside. I have found that staying in the cool, dark house is the best course of action.

Late in the afternoon, I am expecting company. My family has invited over the Benedicto family for dinner. I like to have visitors as I then have new playmates to enjoy. The Benedicto girls really like me. And I really like them. They're cute like me and giggle at all the silly mannerisms that I have. You know...stuff like my "talking", teasing them with my tennis ball, etc.

Steven is making guacamole to serve tonight as an appetizer. He is also making the dessert. He calls the dessert "Lemon Squares". I will never know what it all tastes like as Dad is pretty strict about me not getting tidbits from the table. I must admit that I did drink some lemonade one time but boy did my tummy not like it, a little while later. Maybe that is why Dad is so strict.

Do look at my photos page. I have some new pictures of my best canine friend posted there. His name is Elmer and he is the same age as me. He has short little legs but he keeps up with me as we race aroiund the backyard. I see him every once in a while when he visits.

Enjoy your last days of summer. Bye for now!
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