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First Post of 2008

Greetings everyone! Riley and I have been truly busy. Come to think of it so has Dad.

As a bit of an overview, here is what has happened so far between now and last Christmas. Steven came home for Christmas. The two of us were so happy to see him. We remembered him from his visit at Thanksgiving. That meant that we sang, danced and expressed our boundless joy when he came through the front door. The family hosted Christmas Eve for all the members of the Lamphear/Kidd family. It was great. A house full of happy folks with the two of us running around was perfect as far as we were concerned. What a great time.

New Years was a blast too. All the parade activity in Pasadena, the football games and more people to meet and greet. We were especially excited that Michigan won their bowl game. It was all so noisy with Dad and Mom yelling and cheering on the Wolverines! Go Blue! We heard that a number of times throughout the game. Dad was very pleased that Coach Carr ended his illustrious career with a win. And then Steven was off to school again. The house was once more a little quieter than before.

With Steven's bed empty, both Tabitha and Woody (the two cats) claimed the bed as their own. We find them sacked out there most nights. Tabitha especially likes to sleep there. Woody divides his napping time between Steven's bed and Mom and Dad's bed.

Sunday has once again become the play-date day for us to visit Elmer, our weiner dog friend. We always look forward to Sundays. Our evening walks are another event that we enjoy. Come rain or shine (its true) out we go. With the recent rains in the area, we come back soaking wet. With our double coats, we don't mind so much. Dad is usually the worse for wear though. He ends up soaking wet. On the other hand, we just need a light toweling off. Mom likes to help out with that duty as she gets to hold me. She gently dries me off, all the while telling me how pretty I am, etc. A girl can't get too many compliments. Riley likes to have Dad dry him off. It all works out in the end.

Well that brings us up to date. The rains have passed and we look forward to some sun. The weather man is predicting more rain starting this coming Friday and into the weekend. Riley and I will take what sun we can get.

Thats all for now. Bye for now.
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