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We Went To Mom's Work!

Hello again! Roxie here.

We attended the CBS “Bring Your Dog To Work Day” last week. It was an awful lot of fun. There were lots of dogs of all sizes, colors and breeds. We were the only 2 Alaskan Klee Kai but the two of us stood out among the crowd. I bet you wonder how it came to be. Well….

Mom was approached by some of the folks at her work for a photo of us as it was needed for a press release for an upcoming nationwide event that CBS was hosting called “Bring Your Dog To Work Day”. Mom contacted Dad and he sent a photo of Roxie to Mom. I ended up being on a press release along with two other dogs. Exciting! But there was soon more fun to be had. Mom sent us to the groomers to be given a bath and really make us look our best.

On the appointed day, Steven gathered Riley and me up and drove us to Mom’s work. There we posed for a group photo with all the dogs and their owners. It was quite a group. While we were visiting all sorts of questions and comments were posed to Mom and Steven about us. Are we puppies? Are we full grown? What kind of dogs are we? What is our temperament? You get the gist of it. Both of our human pack answered all the questions with good humor and grace.

Dad has added a photo of the event below so you can see everyone. Can you find the two of us? Hint: Right hand side towards the back. Steven is holding Riley, Mom is holding me (Roxie). Click on the picture to see a larger version. Later!

Photo courtesy of Mark Davis/CBS
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