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June Has Arrived

June has arrived and with it come new changes in my life.

Until now, I slept in my crate every night. But being a little dog, I needed to take a potty break in the middle of the night. That meant that Dad had to get up and let me out to take care of business. Mom suggested that since I was well trained and have not had an accident, I should be allowed to sleep with Mom and Dad. I personally like to sleep under their bed. Its fun and cozy.

Dad agreed as he was losing a lot of sleep. I have done my part now as I am very quiet and if I need to take a break I do so without waking up Mom and Dad. I just go out through my own dog door. When I'm done, back I go to their bedroom.

I won't be going to the dog show in July as Mom is busy working. Dad has his work schedule in flux and isn't sure he will be able to volunteer his time to help with the show. He is hoping to go and help but won't know until closer to the event.

Thats it for now. Bye!
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