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Christmas Countdown

Last weekend, the family went to get their Christmas tree. Riley and I rode along with Steven and Dad to the tree lot. It was a first for Riley as this is his first Christmas. For me, it wasn't that big of deal as I had gone last year to buy the tree.

The big white tent was up and along side of it was a huge inflated Frosty the Snowman. There were row upon row of trees lined up like soldiers. Different height trees were in separate sections. Steven leashed us up and off we went to explore amongst the pines of the Christmas forest. We "Klee Kai", being small of stature, have the luxury of passing beneath most of the limbs of the trees while Steven had to brush aside limbs to wade through the rows of trees. People that saw us were taken by our size and form. Everyone stopped Steven to ask him what we were. Steven gave them the stock answer "They're Alaskan Klee Kai." That tended to draw a blank reaction so he followed up with the usual response which goes something like this...."Think of them as miniature Alalskan Huskies." "Ahhhh!!!!" was the most oft heard response and off we would go to continue our tour of the tree lot.

Mom and Dad picked out a really beautiful specimen for our tree this year. After paying for it, it was placed in the Trooper for the ride home while Riley and I got chauffeured home by Mom in the BMW. I like riding in the car and Riley does too.

Up went the tree upon its arrival at home. It is still an oddity to the two of us that a tree is now standing it the living room. The decorations and lights came next. Steven likes to keep it simple and elegant as far as decorations go. Dad likes a little more in the way of eye candy but deferred to Steven as its his last Christmas as a senior in high school. College next year, don't you know.

The presents surround the base of the tree now. Mom and Dad placed a portable pen across the living room to keep the tree safe from Riley. Being a puppy still, Mom knows all too well that he would get into the presents and the tree decorations. The house is very festive. The mantle in the family room has a wreath hanging above it while the stockings are hung across the front. Riley has a stocking as do I. Both cats have them too. I wonder what treats will magically appear on Christmas morning for the two Klee Kai.

Bye for now, as Riley is dozing on the floor near Dad and I am ready to be on my way out the back door to peruse the yard. Maybe I'll take a nap as well. Christmas wishes to all. Keep warm and safe this holiday season. Special holiday wishes to AKK Grandma Eileen and Grandpa Greg and all our four legged AKK family in Colorado.

Merry Christmas!

One Holiday Down, Two More To Go

Both of us have survived the Thanksgiving holiday. It was fun for the two of us and the rest of the family.

Riley and I were given some turkey even though Riley was a thief. He was caught with a turkey wing that he had pulled off a platter that was on the side table. He didn't even get much of a chance to savor the flavor of it. Steven found Riley with it by the front door. A stern "No!" and then away it went. Ah well....

Christmas is coming soon. I look forward to more visits with family and friends.

The packages are starting to pile up by the tree. The outdoor lights were hung around the house this weekend. It is very bright and colorful. The neighbors have their lights up as well. The block is very festive.

This past Saturday, Riley and I had a play date with our buddy Elmer. The entire day was spent running, cavorting and just plain having fun. I look forward to another day soon.

Bye for now!

Dodged The Bullet

Riley here....Man oh man, did I dodge the bullet or what! Dad was indeed angry but in the long run he turned out to be more disappointed than anything else over my behavior. I have been working on doing better. I have taken up better ways to keep myself from being bored. It also helped that Steven had short days at school this past week.

Steven is a senior in high school. This past week was College Week for him. That is a week that is devoted to meeting college representatives that visit campus, writing college entrance essays and filling out applications for the colleges and universities that he is applying to. Plus he comes home early. That meant walks during the afternoon and playing with him. I wasn't so bored with Steven around.

My blood test came back from the vet. I am A-OK. I knew that but its part of my deal to be here in my forever home. AKK Grandama Eileen just wants to make sure everything is good with my health. The vet said I have gained weight and am growing into a strong, healthy AKK.

Today being Staurday, I have Dad at home. He is working in the yard. He trimmed the lime tree and the lemon tree of excess growth. Both trees had a good number of vertical suckers that siphon away a fair amount of energy that the trees could otherwise use to produce better foliage and fruit. The immature lemons remind me of the tennis balls that Roxie likes to play fetch with. They have that same yellow-green color. The size is close too.

I better let Roxie in here so that she can tell you her news. Talk to you later!

Roxie here....As Riley mentioned it is indeed Saturday. Right now the two AKK in Burbank are having our friend Elmer over. He spent Friday evening with us. I slept in my usual spot under Mom and Dad's bed while Riley slept on their bed. Elmer slept under the covers on Steven's bed.

This morning all three of us ran and ran and ran all around the backyard. Its tired out all of us to the point that we are taking little naps just before lunchtime. Of course, our human family eats lunch. We dogs get breakfast and dinner only. Treats such as chew sticks do get given to us during the day.

I am proud to report that Riley seems to be listening better to me and Dad about how a proper AKK behaves. He still has missteps but they are getting less and less frequent. I am glad to be a steading influence on him. We do get along well.

I need to take that nap that I mentioned earlier in this post. Bye for now!


Judgement Day

Roxie here.... Oh dear, Mom, Steven and Dad are beside themselves with Riley. They added a barrier in the house to keep the two of us out of the dining room, living room and the bedrooms. Dad made it so we could enter the kitchen where our food and water are. What do you think happened to vex Mom, Steven and Dad?

Riley decided that he likes to pull down items and objects from tables that he can reach. That means just about any table or desk. Dad's computer desk is low enough as well as Mom's roll top desk. Yikes! He got into papers while everyone was out today. Not good.

Riley also decided that a bag of potting mix stored on a low shelf outside in the yard was fair game to open as well. What a mess. The worst part is that I will now be more restricted in my access to the house because of his misbehavior. I guess I should have exerted better leadership over the little fellow but I must admit he doesn't really listen to me much.

There won't be any long term effect to this latest misstep fortunately. Mom will calm Dad down. I just hope Riley passes through this puppy phase fairly soon for all our sakes.

Riley here.... What is she telling you now? I thought everything that I am able to reach is mine to play with. Nobody said anything about the stuff the humans store on the tables and desks. Dad said we couldn't go beyond the new barrier in the house. He didn't say not to touch anything on his desk with the computer.

You people make up the rules as you go. Thats what I think. Not fair at all. I can play by the rules. You need to tell me what the rules are. What's that? Uh oh....Roxie says that Dad did say not to mess with the stuff on the desk. I must have been distracted by something when that was mentioned. Maybe a squirrel was in the backyard on the lawn or Woody the cat strolling through the den during this pivotal moment. Yes, that is what happened. Its all the squirrel's and Woody's fault. They are to blame, not me. Yeah that's it!

This is so unfair. I'm just a puppy. If you don't want me touching your stuff, put it where there is NO chance I'll get to it. I didn't mean it. Honest!

Dad has talked to me about the situation. He seems more disappointed than angry. He tells me that I must try harder to be more like Roxie in my habits. I'll try. My family loves me so much. I must do better so that I meet their expectations. Roxie, can you help me in this endeavor? You can? Thanks for being my best friend.

Whatever may happen you can read about it here.

Bye for now from the two AKKs in Burbank.

Latter Days In The Fall

Riley Faces The CameraRiley here! I've settled in here pretty well. My operation for my hernia went well with no complications. Getting "fixed" at the same time worked out as expected. The fur that had been trimmed off for the operation has grown back nicely.

I went to the vet for a blood test this last Friday. Roxie came with me. I'm gettimg more comfortable riding in the car. The front office of the vet is not as scary as it used to be. Both of us enjoy the questions and comments from everyone about what breed we are, how cute we are and how interesting we look. So far, most people comment that I look like a little fox based on the color and outlines of my facial mask. Roxie is usually complimented on how she looks more like a little wolf. She has a more dense coat of fur and her mask is similar but different enough to invoke a wolf like look.

I've met Elmer by now. You may remember that he is the little "weiner" dog friend of Roxie's. We get along great. Yesterday, both of us AKK spent the entire day at Elmer's house. What a great day! We ran and ran and ran. Then tonight we went to visit again as my family had dinner with Elmer's family. I am now really tired. As it is I'm resting in the den near Dad as he transcribes my thought for me. So much to relate and I'm so tired. Perhaps you can forgive me and let me write some more later.

Roxie on the grassRoxie here. I think I now understand why Riley entered my life. He helps me be a more rounded AKK. I have a companion who I can play with, sleep by and care for. I have bonded with him to the point that I prefer to do almost everything with Riley along for company. Riding in the car, going on walks, playing with Elmer even going to a vet appointment now makes me want to have Riley along. Is that weird?

I am looking forward to next year's Pet Expo. I hope to attend with Riley along. It will be great to visit with other AKK and introduce Riley to all the other AKK folks.

Riley has Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years to look forward to. And I look forward to sharing those moments with him and the rest of the family.

Bye for now from the two AKKs in Burbank.

The Vet Visit

Riley here....This morning I found out why Mom and Dad took away my water and kibble last night after 9:00 PM. I was whisked away to the vet for some "work". By that, Dad explained that the vet would be performing a couple of procedures on me. I am to be spayed and have my tummy button hernia attended to. Bummer to the spayed bit and hooray to the hernia work.

The short trip over to the vet's office wasn't too bad. I settled in pretty fast and Dad talked to me the whole way there. I didn't drool too much. In fact I hardly drooled at all. I think that is because I haven't had any water for almost 12 hours. Once inside the office, I sat next to Dad on one of the benches. There were two ladies there with a total of four cats between them. Three of the cats were in for teeth cleaning and the fourth cat was to have a bath. I don't envy the groomer that has to bathe that big orange tabby. That tabby looked really angry. Meow!

After some initial paperwork, I was weighed. I am all of 11 pounds! Then I was taken into the back room to await my fate. That left Dad to ask a few questions and then go home to an anxious Roxie.

My turn, my turn!!!!

Roxie here...I want everyone to know that I was most upset that Riley was taken away. I was told after the fact about his vet visit. I really wanted to go with him but Dad said that we weren't going for a walk and that I didn't like vet visits so it would be best if I stayed home. When Dad got back without Riley, I couldn't figure out if I should be sad or happy. After all, I love my new best friend but on the other hand I don't have to share Dad's attention with Riley now. Riley is something of an attention hog. If I get petted, he muscles his way in between me and whoever is petting me. Bummer.

I guess I miss him a lot. Dad put down water, kibble and some wet food for me. I sniffed at all of it but I can't bring myself to eat or drink. I guess I do miss the little attention hog after all. Dad did tell me that Riley will be coming home in the middle of the day. I am now waiting patiently for that time to come. I am sure Riley will tell you more about the visit when he returns. Bye for now.

My New Friend

I am sure that by now you have read about Riley. He is a wonderful addition to the family. The two of us have really hit it off. We share our food, toys and time with the rest of the family without any issues.

My only issue with Riley is that he is an attention hog. If I try to spend time with Steven, Mom or Dad, Riley likes to insert himself between us. He kisses and wags his tail. But he doesn't do it as a slight on me. He is just a baby after all.

Riley doesn't "sing" like I do. In fact, he doesn't talk much at all. He is capable of making noises. He just doesn't choose to do so.

Its funny how different we are. My fur is longer with a fuller undercoat. It is also more silky and smooth. Riley's fur is a little more coarse with a minimal undercoat. My bulid is more stocky with shorter legs. Riley has longer legs and a "skinny" body. My ears are more pointed while Riley's are rounded at the tips. And of course, I am a Miniature sized AKK and Riley is supposed to grow into a Toy size. I think he will be a big Toy or a small Miniature. I still outweigh him but he is younger than I. Oh yeah, he is a boy and I am a girl.

Dad says he is going to attempt to take pictures of the two AKKs together so you can see the difference between us. I hope Dad will update my site with more pictures this weekend. Bye for now! Happy


Riley's First Day

Hi everyone! My name is Riley. I traveled all the way from Colorado to join my new family in Burbank, California.

My journey started Saturday morning. I was driven to the airport by my AKK grandma Eileen and her husband. It was a long drive but I napped part of the way in grandma's lap. At the airport I was put aboard a United Airlines flight to Los Angeles. It was noisy, strange and scary for me. I had never been to such an unusual place before in my young life. The flight lasted under 3 hours. At Los Angeles, I was taken to the United Airlines cargo terminal where my new family awaited me. They were so happy to see me that my new Mom called Eileen to let her know how happy and excited they were to finally meet me and that I was all right.

There was another hour long ride in the car before I arrived at my new home in Burbank. Dad let me out of my traveling crate into the backyard with the green grass, bushes and the flowers all around. I was hesitant at first as I was still scared of everyone and everything. I had never met these people before or seen the house that has become my home. Then I was introduced to Roxie. I am fortunate that she liked me right off. In fact, I was a little overwhelmed by her attention.

Roxie to her credit, let me relax with Mom. I had a little drink of water and allowed myself to calm down. I also met Woody the cat. He is bigger and heavier than I by a considerable margin. But he also seems to not mind my presence.

I'll write more in a little while. I am still tired from my trip. If you want to see pictures of me at my new home, check out the new photo album in the sidebar.

Roxie tells me that she is going to rename this web site as there are now two AKKs in the house. She says that the site may even get a makeover. She needs to convince Dad to do the work though. What do you think she will rename the web site?Winking

A Big Day For Me!

I have been informed that my new companion is at the airport in Denver, Colorado awaiting his flight to me! It is really happening. I am to have a friend and companion full time at home. It is going to be one big play date all the time.

My new buddy is an AKK. He is a boy, a gray and white puppy. He was born in Peyton, Colorado at the Alaskan Klee Kai Kennelette. His size is probably a large Toy. I am a Miniature in size so if all works out according to plan, I'll be slightly bigger than him. Oh, I forgot to tell you his name. His birth name is Alasco's Bona but Dad tells me we are going to call him Riley. Roxie and Riley....kinda catchy, don't you think? Its better than Alasco's Chevak and Alasco's Bona. It is certainly less of a mouth full to call us.

I am going to be pressed into service as far as teaching him the house rules. He has very little leash training so I intend to show him the proper way to work on a lead. He needs to learn how to sit, lay down, walk beside Dad correctly and when it is OK to sniff around and do one's business while on a walk. That sounds like a lot but I am up to it.

Mom tells me that she fell in love with Riley from a few photographs that Eileen the breeder sent her. Mom says he has a happy clownish face. Riley looks like a laid back, happy go lucky sort. Big brown eyes set in his gray AKK mask. Full of energy and play.

I am including one of the photos that Eileen sent so you can see for yourselves. He looks so silly! I think I am in love with him already and I haven't even met him.


Hot July Days

The month of July has become extremely hot. The possibility of wildfires has grown to huge proportions.

Am I concerned? No. In fact, I am taking the time to chill out.

I won't be going to the dog show in Claremont this month. Dad and Mom are so busy with work that it isn't a possibility. I was hoping to once again see the other AKK that I met in Costa Mesa, CA when I attended the Pet Expo earlier this year.

I have heard Mom and Dad talking about getting me an AKK buddy. They have said that I would be so happy to have a companion. The cats and I are good friends but to have another AKK as a playmate would be exciting. Dad thinks an adult dog would be good as everyone's schedule precludes a puppy. It wouldn't be fair to the puppy. Puppies need lots of attention, patience and love. The patience and love part is well covered but the attention part, well, both my human parents work fulltime. They worry that a puppy wouldn't be raised properly.

Besides if Mom and Dad were to adopt an older dog, that dog would be getting a forever home. Dad saw an AKK on one web site that is a very handsome black and white AKK male. He is older than I but that is OK. He is a miniature AKK to boot. Yippee! My size!

There is a lot to discuss still, papers to fill out, arrangements to be made. I don't know if or when I'll see a new friend. Cross your fingers for me, OK?

Stay in the shade and try to keep cool!

The Long Weekend Is Over

The Fourth of July weekend has come and gone. It was noisy with people setting off bottle rockets and such. It didn't bother me much but the dog next door, Archie was terribly upset. He whimpered and whined for quite a while that night.

Dad was surprised to discover that my cat buddy, Woody (seen above with me in the backyard) had an abscess on his right shoulder. This was the night of the Fourth of July. On Friday, Dad took Woody to the vet to have it taken care of. It made me very nervous as Woody doesn't like the carrier he goes into for the trip. He cries and cries with that long low growl that signals his discontent. I worried about him until he came home Friday afternoon. He was better but still groggy from being asleep for the operation.

Woody decided to check out the backyard and then he jumped over our wall. Now I am waiting for him to return. I do hope he is all right.

Since Wednesday, I have been spending my days at a friend's house while Jim the painter paints the living room and dining room of the house I live in. The good part of spending time away from home is that Elmer the dachshund lives at the house I visit. It is a dog play-date every day! Cool! I come home every night just exhausted. Please note that I am not complaining. I guarantee that I am not bored.

Fourth of July Weekend Is Near

I still miss Steven but the real news is that the weather here in Burbank is hot. I mean REALLY hot! Dad closes the blinds and puts out a large tub of water with lots of ice cubes floating in it every morning. He sets the A/C so that the interior of the house never gets hotter than 80 degrees. I know that sounds hot for the inside of the house but outside it gets over 100 degrees.

The cats and I end up lounging around during the day. Personally, its not too bad. Tabby is pretty mellow and Woody likes to tease me and play every once in a while. When Mom and Dad get home in the evening, I am ready to burn off some of that energy thats been stored up all day.

The other change that has occurred since Steven has gone is that Dad walks me every night. It wasn't always that way but I am glad that it has changed. Out we go into the warm summer night, crickets chirping away. The sights and smells are most intoxicating to me. Dad keeps the pace brisk but lets me stop when there is a particularly good smell. In return, I go through my paces at corners, sitting when commanded, laying down when commanded. You get the idea. It makes Dad happy and I'm happy when Dad is content.

The skies are clear and there is a little sliver of a moon on these walks. Its great.

Dad has added a new feature that may be of interest to you. It is a map from Frappr.com. It shows some folks that have AKK around the USA. My Dad's name is Marc L. Lamphear and my picture should be visible on the map. The map is interactive, so click on it and explore. Check it out.


My Weekend Sleepover

This past weekend I had a sleepover at my best buddy's house. My family drove north to Stanford where Steven is attending the Stanford Summer College for High School Students. Steven was one of only 340 students accepted into the program.

I was picked up by Elmer's dad. His name is George. I played with Elmer for three solid days. Elmer and I just never had to stop. What fun we had.

We went on long walks, played ball and just chased each other all around the yard. I missed my family but the homesickness passed quickly. When Mom and Dad came home late Sunday afternoon, I was so pleased to see them. I sang, jumped and wagged my furry tail off. Well almost wagged it off.

Steven is going to be gone for eight weeks. I do wonder where he went but Mom and Dad assure me that the time will pass quickly. I will just need to store up my energy to give him a huge welcome home.

Bye for now!

June Has Arrived

June has arrived and with it come new changes in my life.

Until now, I slept in my crate every night. But being a little dog, I needed to take a potty break in the middle of the night. That meant that Dad had to get up and let me out to take care of business. Mom suggested that since I was well trained and have not had an accident, I should be allowed to sleep with Mom and Dad. I personally like to sleep under their bed. Its fun and cozy.

Dad agreed as he was losing a lot of sleep. I have done my part now as I am very quiet and if I need to take a break I do so without waking up Mom and Dad. I just go out through my own dog door. When I'm done, back I go to their bedroom.

I won't be going to the dog show in July as Mom is busy working. Dad has his work schedule in flux and isn't sure he will be able to volunteer his time to help with the show. He is hoping to go and help but won't know until closer to the event.

Thats it for now. Bye!

My Pet Expo Adventure

I just got back from my day at Pet Expo in Orange County, CA. It surprised me how far we had to travel to get there.

We started off the morning by motoring down to Orange County. When we arrived, we unloaded and found the booth that was to be my home as well as a home for the other 24 Alaskan Klee Kai's. Yes, you read that number right. There was a total of 25 Klee Kai in attendance by the middle of the day. What a fantastic turnout! I met a lot of new canine friends. I admit that I was hesitant and shy with a lot of them but others I warmed right up to.

The amount of foot traffic that came by the booth was amazing. Lots of curious folk who had never seen a breed like us, stopped to pet us, ask questions and praise our cute expressive faces. I was held by Steven, Dad and Mom. They took turns doing this and answering all the questions that the public asked. Dad took pictures so look around to see the ones from the expo.

I need to rest now as I "worked" a lot today. When we got home, Dad fed me my dinner which I inhaled. I played with Woody, my cat buddy for a little bit and then I asked Dad to get this update ready while I nap. Whew!

I will write some more about my Pet Expo experiences a little later. Thanks for dropping by. Later.

Time For Change

As you may have noticed I have changed the name of the web site to reflect more accurately who I am. I have outgrown my puppy phase and am now a young teen miss. I still like to run, fetch my tennis ball, play with my buddies Elmer the dog and Woody the cat but I have started to be more mature and less anxious. That's not to say that I have overcome my shyness. Heavens, no!

I now bark and sing at visitors that come to the house and will even give them a kiss on the hand but no petting allowed! Sometimes if you are nice, I will bring you my tennis ball and play fetch. My curiousity is still aroused by the workmen who come to the house to repair things. Its fun to watch them pull things apart and put them back together.

My family got their packet of passes and information to the Pet Expo today. The event is now less than a week away. Woo hoo!

It should be a noisy reunion in a manner of speaking as I haven't laid eyes on another Alaskan Klee Kai since moving to California. There should be a lot of singing amongst those of us of the canine persuasion. The humans will have a lot of fun too I suspect. They will chat and yack about us (the breed) with the folks who wander by the booth. I do hope that I am able to go to the doggie beauty shop before the event. I want to look my best. Please do come by and meet me and mine.

Bye for now! Happy

Roxie the Alaskan Klee Kai

Countdown To Pet Expo!

Hey gang! Well, its coming up on Pet Expo time. I can hardly wait.

This weekend was a busy one. Steven came home from his college tour trip on Saturday night. I was ever so happy to see him. We had been apart a whole week. I had so missed him. Then on Sunday, I got to play with my buddy, Elmer. His family had gone on a one week vacation so I didn't see him at all. I got so worn out playing with him that I was totally worn out Sunday night. Whew!

Bye for now as I am still so tired. See you later.

A Rainy Hello

The past few weeks have brought on again, off again rain in Southern California. I am enjoying the cool weather that rain brings. My coat is thick and luxurious with a dense undercoat. Heck, the rain doesn't really penetrate my fur so my skin stays very dry and warm.

The Pet Expo is upcoming this April. It is being held at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, California. The dates are April 21st through 23rd. I and my family will be at the Alaskan Klee Kai booth on Saturday April 22nd. If you want to meet me and see others of my breed you should take the time to attend. It should be a lot of fun as I haven't met any of my breed since I was adopted. There aren't many of us in the area where I live. I am excited to play with my kind and see the other colorings that we come in. There are grays, blacks and even whites, though they are rare. Wow! I can hardly wait.

I guess the other big news is that Steven, my human brother has been accepted to Stanford University's high school summer program. He is one of only 300 high school students to be accepted into the program. I am very proud of him. The down side of the news is that he will be gone for 8 weeks during the summer and I won't see him or be able to play with him. I suppose this is something of a preview for what college will be like for him and me. Life does march forward.

One last thing and then I'll let you go. There are new pictures to look at so please take a look.

Bye for now! Winking

Some Changes To My Site

As you may have noticed, I now have added a comment and talkback system to my blog. I hope you will feel free to leave me your thoughts and comments. The good folks at Haloscan.com host this commenting system.

I just heard that a whippet is loose at JFK. The whippet escaped from her traveling crate around noon yesterday. I hope that she will be found alive and well. I am at a loss to understand how she managed to escape. My travel crate is impossible for me to open. Only a person has the ability to release the door. I can only surmise that a baggage handler was attempting to walk or water the dog and she decided to see some of the world on her own.

Do check out the updated photo pages. My dad has taken a few more snapshots and added them to the pages. I think they show quite a difference between when I was a little puppy and the adult dog I am know. I am leaner, taller and my coat is more filled out. My tail is still really fluffy too. Dad promises to add more photos soon.

Bye for now! Happy

2006 Is Upon Us!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I had a great New Year. I have been playing with my buddy Elmer on most weekends. It really wears me out. The next day I am more than happy to lay around the house and yard. I just nap the day away.

Remember the red car that Mom and Dad were going to get? They got it. I saw it for the first time on Sunday, January 1st. It is a beautiful crimson red. The car is very stylish if I may say so. I haven't ridden in it yet though. I think Dad worries that my toenails will scratch the interior. He may be on to something as I think I am overdue for my appointment at Hollywoof. My nails are a bit on the long side.

Hollywoof is close to the house and the people that shampoo me and trim my nails are ever so nice. Steven walks me over and I spend a few hours getting all pretty. Maybe I should say prettier as Mom is always lavishing me with praise regarding how cute and beautiful I am.

Did I tell you that I now have my own dog door? Its true. The cats have had one all along but now I have one that is my size. The cats go out of it as well and I don't mind sharing. I can stay inside during the day and go out into the backyard anytime I desire.

Two thousand six has sure started off well. I'll write again. Bye for now! Laugh