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The Vet Visit

Riley here....This morning I found out why Mom and Dad took away my water and kibble last night after 9:00 PM. I was whisked away to the vet for some "work". By that, Dad explained that the vet would be performing a couple of procedures on me. I am to be spayed and have my tummy button hernia attended to. Bummer to the spayed bit and hooray to the hernia work.

The short trip over to the vet's office wasn't too bad. I settled in pretty fast and Dad talked to me the whole way there. I didn't drool too much. In fact I hardly drooled at all. I think that is because I haven't had any water for almost 12 hours. Once inside the office, I sat next to Dad on one of the benches. There were two ladies there with a total of four cats between them. Three of the cats were in for teeth cleaning and the fourth cat was to have a bath. I don't envy the groomer that has to bathe that big orange tabby. That tabby looked really angry. Meow!

After some initial paperwork, I was weighed. I am all of 11 pounds! Then I was taken into the back room to await my fate. That left Dad to ask a few questions and then go home to an anxious Roxie.

My turn, my turn!!!!

Roxie here...I want everyone to know that I was most upset that Riley was taken away. I was told after the fact about his vet visit. I really wanted to go with him but Dad said that we weren't going for a walk and that I didn't like vet visits so it would be best if I stayed home. When Dad got back without Riley, I couldn't figure out if I should be sad or happy. After all, I love my new best friend but on the other hand I don't have to share Dad's attention with Riley now. Riley is something of an attention hog. If I get petted, he muscles his way in between me and whoever is petting me. Bummer.

I guess I miss him a lot. Dad put down water, kibble and some wet food for me. I sniffed at all of it but I can't bring myself to eat or drink. I guess I do miss the little attention hog after all. Dad did tell me that Riley will be coming home in the middle of the day. I am now waiting patiently for that time to come. I am sure Riley will tell you more about the visit when he returns. Bye for now.
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