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A Big Day For Me!

I have been informed that my new companion is at the airport in Denver, Colorado awaiting his flight to me! It is really happening. I am to have a friend and companion full time at home. It is going to be one big play date all the time.

My new buddy is an AKK. He is a boy, a gray and white puppy. He was born in Peyton, Colorado at the Alaskan Klee Kai Kennelette. His size is probably a large Toy. I am a Miniature in size so if all works out according to plan, I'll be slightly bigger than him. Oh, I forgot to tell you his name. His birth name is Alasco's Bona but Dad tells me we are going to call him Riley. Roxie and Riley....kinda catchy, don't you think? Its better than Alasco's Chevak and Alasco's Bona. It is certainly less of a mouth full to call us.

I am going to be pressed into service as far as teaching him the house rules. He has very little leash training so I intend to show him the proper way to work on a lead. He needs to learn how to sit, lay down, walk beside Dad correctly and when it is OK to sniff around and do one's business while on a walk. That sounds like a lot but I am up to it.

Mom tells me that she fell in love with Riley from a few photographs that Eileen the breeder sent her. Mom says he has a happy clownish face. Riley looks like a laid back, happy go lucky sort. Big brown eyes set in his gray AKK mask. Full of energy and play.

I am including one of the photos that Eileen sent so you can see for yourselves. He looks so silly! I think I am in love with him already and I haven't even met him.

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