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My Weekend Sleepover

This past weekend I had a sleepover at my best buddy's house. My family drove north to Stanford where Steven is attending the Stanford Summer College for High School Students. Steven was one of only 340 students accepted into the program.

I was picked up by Elmer's dad. His name is George. I played with Elmer for three solid days. Elmer and I just never had to stop. What fun we had.

We went on long walks, played ball and just chased each other all around the yard. I missed my family but the homesickness passed quickly. When Mom and Dad came home late Sunday afternoon, I was so pleased to see them. I sang, jumped and wagged my furry tail off. Well almost wagged it off.

Steven is going to be gone for eight weeks. I do wonder where he went but Mom and Dad assure me that the time will pass quickly. I will just need to store up my energy to give him a huge welcome home.

Bye for now!
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