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Fourth of July Weekend Is Near

I still miss Steven but the real news is that the weather here in Burbank is hot. I mean REALLY hot! Dad closes the blinds and puts out a large tub of water with lots of ice cubes floating in it every morning. He sets the A/C so that the interior of the house never gets hotter than 80 degrees. I know that sounds hot for the inside of the house but outside it gets over 100 degrees.

The cats and I end up lounging around during the day. Personally, its not too bad. Tabby is pretty mellow and Woody likes to tease me and play every once in a while. When Mom and Dad get home in the evening, I am ready to burn off some of that energy thats been stored up all day.

The other change that has occurred since Steven has gone is that Dad walks me every night. It wasn't always that way but I am glad that it has changed. Out we go into the warm summer night, crickets chirping away. The sights and smells are most intoxicating to me. Dad keeps the pace brisk but lets me stop when there is a particularly good smell. In return, I go through my paces at corners, sitting when commanded, laying down when commanded. You get the idea. It makes Dad happy and I'm happy when Dad is content.

The skies are clear and there is a little sliver of a moon on these walks. Its great.

Dad has added a new feature that may be of interest to you. It is a map from Frappr.com. It shows some folks that have AKK around the USA. My Dad's name is Marc L. Lamphear and my picture should be visible on the map. The map is interactive, so click on it and explore. Check it out.

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