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Riley's First Day

Hi everyone! My name is Riley. I traveled all the way from Colorado to join my new family in Burbank, California.

My journey started Saturday morning. I was driven to the airport by my AKK grandma Eileen and her husband. It was a long drive but I napped part of the way in grandma's lap. At the airport I was put aboard a United Airlines flight to Los Angeles. It was noisy, strange and scary for me. I had never been to such an unusual place before in my young life. The flight lasted under 3 hours. At Los Angeles, I was taken to the United Airlines cargo terminal where my new family awaited me. They were so happy to see me that my new Mom called Eileen to let her know how happy and excited they were to finally meet me and that I was all right.

There was another hour long ride in the car before I arrived at my new home in Burbank. Dad let me out of my traveling crate into the backyard with the green grass, bushes and the flowers all around. I was hesitant at first as I was still scared of everyone and everything. I had never met these people before or seen the house that has become my home. Then I was introduced to Roxie. I am fortunate that she liked me right off. In fact, I was a little overwhelmed by her attention.

Roxie to her credit, let me relax with Mom. I had a little drink of water and allowed myself to calm down. I also met Woody the cat. He is bigger and heavier than I by a considerable margin. But he also seems to not mind my presence.

I'll write more in a little while. I am still tired from my trip. If you want to see pictures of me at my new home, check out the new photo album in the sidebar.

Roxie tells me that she is going to rename this web site as there are now two AKKs in the house. She says that the site may even get a makeover. She needs to convince Dad to do the work though. What do you think she will rename the web site?Winking
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