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Dodged The Bullet

Riley here....Man oh man, did I dodge the bullet or what! Dad was indeed angry but in the long run he turned out to be more disappointed than anything else over my behavior. I have been working on doing better. I have taken up better ways to keep myself from being bored. It also helped that Steven had short days at school this past week.

Steven is a senior in high school. This past week was College Week for him. That is a week that is devoted to meeting college representatives that visit campus, writing college entrance essays and filling out applications for the colleges and universities that he is applying to. Plus he comes home early. That meant walks during the afternoon and playing with him. I wasn't so bored with Steven around.

My blood test came back from the vet. I am A-OK. I knew that but its part of my deal to be here in my forever home. AKK Grandama Eileen just wants to make sure everything is good with my health. The vet said I have gained weight and am growing into a strong, healthy AKK.

Today being Staurday, I have Dad at home. He is working in the yard. He trimmed the lime tree and the lemon tree of excess growth. Both trees had a good number of vertical suckers that siphon away a fair amount of energy that the trees could otherwise use to produce better foliage and fruit. The immature lemons remind me of the tennis balls that Roxie likes to play fetch with. They have that same yellow-green color. The size is close too.

I better let Roxie in here so that she can tell you her news. Talk to you later!

Roxie here....As Riley mentioned it is indeed Saturday. Right now the two AKK in Burbank are having our friend Elmer over. He spent Friday evening with us. I slept in my usual spot under Mom and Dad's bed while Riley slept on their bed. Elmer slept under the covers on Steven's bed.

This morning all three of us ran and ran and ran all around the backyard. Its tired out all of us to the point that we are taking little naps just before lunchtime. Of course, our human family eats lunch. We dogs get breakfast and dinner only. Treats such as chew sticks do get given to us during the day.

I am proud to report that Riley seems to be listening better to me and Dad about how a proper AKK behaves. He still has missteps but they are getting less and less frequent. I am glad to be a steading influence on him. We do get along well.

I need to take that nap that I mentioned earlier in this post. Bye for now!

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