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Judgement Day

Roxie here.... Oh dear, Mom, Steven and Dad are beside themselves with Riley. They added a barrier in the house to keep the two of us out of the dining room, living room and the bedrooms. Dad made it so we could enter the kitchen where our food and water are. What do you think happened to vex Mom, Steven and Dad?

Riley decided that he likes to pull down items and objects from tables that he can reach. That means just about any table or desk. Dad's computer desk is low enough as well as Mom's roll top desk. Yikes! He got into papers while everyone was out today. Not good.

Riley also decided that a bag of potting mix stored on a low shelf outside in the yard was fair game to open as well. What a mess. The worst part is that I will now be more restricted in my access to the house because of his misbehavior. I guess I should have exerted better leadership over the little fellow but I must admit he doesn't really listen to me much.

There won't be any long term effect to this latest misstep fortunately. Mom will calm Dad down. I just hope Riley passes through this puppy phase fairly soon for all our sakes.

Riley here.... What is she telling you now? I thought everything that I am able to reach is mine to play with. Nobody said anything about the stuff the humans store on the tables and desks. Dad said we couldn't go beyond the new barrier in the house. He didn't say not to touch anything on his desk with the computer.

You people make up the rules as you go. Thats what I think. Not fair at all. I can play by the rules. You need to tell me what the rules are. What's that? Uh oh....Roxie says that Dad did say not to mess with the stuff on the desk. I must have been distracted by something when that was mentioned. Maybe a squirrel was in the backyard on the lawn or Woody the cat strolling through the den during this pivotal moment. Yes, that is what happened. Its all the squirrel's and Woody's fault. They are to blame, not me. Yeah that's it!

This is so unfair. I'm just a puppy. If you don't want me touching your stuff, put it where there is NO chance I'll get to it. I didn't mean it. Honest!

Dad has talked to me about the situation. He seems more disappointed than angry. He tells me that I must try harder to be more like Roxie in my habits. I'll try. My family loves me so much. I must do better so that I meet their expectations. Roxie, can you help me in this endeavor? You can? Thanks for being my best friend.

Whatever may happen you can read about it here.

Bye for now from the two AKKs in Burbank.
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