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My New Friend

I am sure that by now you have read about Riley. He is a wonderful addition to the family. The two of us have really hit it off. We share our food, toys and time with the rest of the family without any issues.

My only issue with Riley is that he is an attention hog. If I try to spend time with Steven, Mom or Dad, Riley likes to insert himself between us. He kisses and wags his tail. But he doesn't do it as a slight on me. He is just a baby after all.

Riley doesn't "sing" like I do. In fact, he doesn't talk much at all. He is capable of making noises. He just doesn't choose to do so.

Its funny how different we are. My fur is longer with a fuller undercoat. It is also more silky and smooth. Riley's fur is a little more coarse with a minimal undercoat. My bulid is more stocky with shorter legs. Riley has longer legs and a "skinny" body. My ears are more pointed while Riley's are rounded at the tips. And of course, I am a Miniature sized AKK and Riley is supposed to grow into a Toy size. I think he will be a big Toy or a small Miniature. I still outweigh him but he is younger than I. Oh yeah, he is a boy and I am a girl.

Dad says he is going to attempt to take pictures of the two AKKs together so you can see the difference between us. I hope Dad will update my site with more pictures this weekend. Bye for now! Happy

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