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Hot July Days

The month of July has become extremely hot. The possibility of wildfires has grown to huge proportions.

Am I concerned? No. In fact, I am taking the time to chill out.

I won't be going to the dog show in Claremont this month. Dad and Mom are so busy with work that it isn't a possibility. I was hoping to once again see the other AKK that I met in Costa Mesa, CA when I attended the Pet Expo earlier this year.

I have heard Mom and Dad talking about getting me an AKK buddy. They have said that I would be so happy to have a companion. The cats and I are good friends but to have another AKK as a playmate would be exciting. Dad thinks an adult dog would be good as everyone's schedule precludes a puppy. It wouldn't be fair to the puppy. Puppies need lots of attention, patience and love. The patience and love part is well covered but the attention part, well, both my human parents work fulltime. They worry that a puppy wouldn't be raised properly.

Besides if Mom and Dad were to adopt an older dog, that dog would be getting a forever home. Dad saw an AKK on one web site that is a very handsome black and white AKK male. He is older than I but that is OK. He is a miniature AKK to boot. Yippee! My size!

There is a lot to discuss still, papers to fill out, arrangements to be made. I don't know if or when I'll see a new friend. Cross your fingers for me, OK?

Stay in the shade and try to keep cool!
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