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2006 Is Upon Us!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I had a great New Year. I have been playing with my buddy Elmer on most weekends. It really wears me out. The next day I am more than happy to lay around the house and yard. I just nap the day away.

Remember the red car that Mom and Dad were going to get? They got it. I saw it for the first time on Sunday, January 1st. It is a beautiful crimson red. The car is very stylish if I may say so. I haven't ridden in it yet though. I think Dad worries that my toenails will scratch the interior. He may be on to something as I think I am overdue for my appointment at Hollywoof. My nails are a bit on the long side.

Hollywoof is close to the house and the people that shampoo me and trim my nails are ever so nice. Steven walks me over and I spend a few hours getting all pretty. Maybe I should say prettier as Mom is always lavishing me with praise regarding how cute and beautiful I am.

Did I tell you that I now have my own dog door? Its true. The cats have had one all along but now I have one that is my size. The cats go out of it as well and I don't mind sharing. I can stay inside during the day and go out into the backyard anytime I desire.

Two thousand six has sure started off well. I'll write again. Bye for now! Laugh
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