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My Pet Expo Adventure

I just got back from my day at Pet Expo in Orange County, CA. It surprised me how far we had to travel to get there.

We started off the morning by motoring down to Orange County. When we arrived, we unloaded and found the booth that was to be my home as well as a home for the other 24 Alaskan Klee Kai's. Yes, you read that number right. There was a total of 25 Klee Kai in attendance by the middle of the day. What a fantastic turnout! I met a lot of new canine friends. I admit that I was hesitant and shy with a lot of them but others I warmed right up to.

The amount of foot traffic that came by the booth was amazing. Lots of curious folk who had never seen a breed like us, stopped to pet us, ask questions and praise our cute expressive faces. I was held by Steven, Dad and Mom. They took turns doing this and answering all the questions that the public asked. Dad took pictures so look around to see the ones from the expo.

I need to rest now as I "worked" a lot today. When we got home, Dad fed me my dinner which I inhaled. I played with Woody, my cat buddy for a little bit and then I asked Dad to get this update ready while I nap. Whew!

I will write some more about my Pet Expo experiences a little later. Thanks for dropping by. Later.
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