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Latter Days In The Fall

Riley Faces The CameraRiley here! I've settled in here pretty well. My operation for my hernia went well with no complications. Getting "fixed" at the same time worked out as expected. The fur that had been trimmed off for the operation has grown back nicely.

I went to the vet for a blood test this last Friday. Roxie came with me. I'm gettimg more comfortable riding in the car. The front office of the vet is not as scary as it used to be. Both of us enjoy the questions and comments from everyone about what breed we are, how cute we are and how interesting we look. So far, most people comment that I look like a little fox based on the color and outlines of my facial mask. Roxie is usually complimented on how she looks more like a little wolf. She has a more dense coat of fur and her mask is similar but different enough to invoke a wolf like look.

I've met Elmer by now. You may remember that he is the little "weiner" dog friend of Roxie's. We get along great. Yesterday, both of us AKK spent the entire day at Elmer's house. What a great day! We ran and ran and ran. Then tonight we went to visit again as my family had dinner with Elmer's family. I am now really tired. As it is I'm resting in the den near Dad as he transcribes my thought for me. So much to relate and I'm so tired. Perhaps you can forgive me and let me write some more later.

Roxie on the grassRoxie here. I think I now understand why Riley entered my life. He helps me be a more rounded AKK. I have a companion who I can play with, sleep by and care for. I have bonded with him to the point that I prefer to do almost everything with Riley along for company. Riding in the car, going on walks, playing with Elmer even going to a vet appointment now makes me want to have Riley along. Is that weird?

I am looking forward to next year's Pet Expo. I hope to attend with Riley along. It will be great to visit with other AKK and introduce Riley to all the other AKK folks.

Riley has Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years to look forward to. And I look forward to sharing those moments with him and the rest of the family.

Bye for now from the two AKKs in Burbank.
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