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Christmas Countdown

Last weekend, the family went to get their Christmas tree. Riley and I rode along with Steven and Dad to the tree lot. It was a first for Riley as this is his first Christmas. For me, it wasn't that big of deal as I had gone last year to buy the tree.

The big white tent was up and along side of it was a huge inflated Frosty the Snowman. There were row upon row of trees lined up like soldiers. Different height trees were in separate sections. Steven leashed us up and off we went to explore amongst the pines of the Christmas forest. We "Klee Kai", being small of stature, have the luxury of passing beneath most of the limbs of the trees while Steven had to brush aside limbs to wade through the rows of trees. People that saw us were taken by our size and form. Everyone stopped Steven to ask him what we were. Steven gave them the stock answer "They're Alaskan Klee Kai." That tended to draw a blank reaction so he followed up with the usual response which goes something like this...."Think of them as miniature Alalskan Huskies." "Ahhhh!!!!" was the most oft heard response and off we would go to continue our tour of the tree lot.

Mom and Dad picked out a really beautiful specimen for our tree this year. After paying for it, it was placed in the Trooper for the ride home while Riley and I got chauffeured home by Mom in the BMW. I like riding in the car and Riley does too.

Up went the tree upon its arrival at home. It is still an oddity to the two of us that a tree is now standing it the living room. The decorations and lights came next. Steven likes to keep it simple and elegant as far as decorations go. Dad likes a little more in the way of eye candy but deferred to Steven as its his last Christmas as a senior in high school. College next year, don't you know.

The presents surround the base of the tree now. Mom and Dad placed a portable pen across the living room to keep the tree safe from Riley. Being a puppy still, Mom knows all too well that he would get into the presents and the tree decorations. The house is very festive. The mantle in the family room has a wreath hanging above it while the stockings are hung across the front. Riley has a stocking as do I. Both cats have them too. I wonder what treats will magically appear on Christmas morning for the two Klee Kai.

Bye for now, as Riley is dozing on the floor near Dad and I am ready to be on my way out the back door to peruse the yard. Maybe I'll take a nap as well. Christmas wishes to all. Keep warm and safe this holiday season. Special holiday wishes to AKK Grandma Eileen and Grandpa Greg and all our four legged AKK family in Colorado.

Merry Christmas!
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