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Time For Change

As you may have noticed I have changed the name of the web site to reflect more accurately who I am. I have outgrown my puppy phase and am now a young teen miss. I still like to run, fetch my tennis ball, play with my buddies Elmer the dog and Woody the cat but I have started to be more mature and less anxious. That's not to say that I have overcome my shyness. Heavens, no!

I now bark and sing at visitors that come to the house and will even give them a kiss on the hand but no petting allowed! Sometimes if you are nice, I will bring you my tennis ball and play fetch. My curiousity is still aroused by the workmen who come to the house to repair things. Its fun to watch them pull things apart and put them back together.

My family got their packet of passes and information to the Pet Expo today. The event is now less than a week away. Woo hoo!

It should be a noisy reunion in a manner of speaking as I haven't laid eyes on another Alaskan Klee Kai since moving to California. There should be a lot of singing amongst those of us of the canine persuasion. The humans will have a lot of fun too I suspect. They will chat and yack about us (the breed) with the folks who wander by the booth. I do hope that I am able to go to the doggie beauty shop before the event. I want to look my best. Please do come by and meet me and mine.

Bye for now! Happy

Roxie the Alaskan Klee Kai
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