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An Unusual Winter

Winter is here although you wouldn’t know it by the mild days that seem more like early summer. The winds have come up, the sun shines brightly and the temperature reaches the high seventies to low eighties depending on where you live in Southern California. Meanwhile the rest of the country experiences below freezing temperatures and snow storms.

Riley and I have experienced another Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. All of the holidays were fun as Steven came home for them. He played with us and took us on walks. It was a time to reconnect and celebrate the joy of having one of our “pack” rejoin us.

Playing fetch is one of my favorite pastimes. Steven indulged me by playing that fun game with me whenever I wanted to. For Riley, Steven wrestled with him. Riley to this day doesn’t appreciate a good game of fetch. I will credit him with loving to chase me around the yard, growling playfully and trying to roll me to the ground. Instead of me being rolled, I’ll stop abruptly causing him to bump into my rump. Then I’ll turn on him and chase him!

Dad hasn’t shot any new photos of us recently so there aren’t any new pictures to post. Hopefully that will change with the glorious weather that we are having. The weekend looks promising. Maybe Dad will shoot video of us playing. That would be a first for us and our web site.

That’s all for now. Bye!