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Jun 2011

A Small Jump Back

OK now that we are somewhat up to date, I need to jump back in time to the month of April. We attended the Pet Expo held at the Orange County Fairgrounds. We had a wonderful turnout. Riley and I were so happy to be around other AKK. Riley was especially thrilled as he is a real social hound. Between the general public petting us and the other dogs, we were exhausted by the end of the day. We totally sacked out on the trip back home.

Check out the photos of the Pet Expo on the link to the left titled Pet Expo 2011. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Where Has The Time Gone? Part 2

Now that everyone was reunited, we found out that the two cats, Woody and Tabitha were less than pleased to share Steven’s room with him. It seems that the two of them had come to believe that his room had become their domain. Woody slept at the head of the bed against Steven’s pillow while Tabitha slept at the foot of the bed. Not a lot of room for Steven! We Klee Kai of course stayed out of Steven’s room as the cats were very protective of their perceived domain. We could come in and visit but don’t think about staying!

Steven soon got both cats adjusted to sharing with him and for the most part all is well. We still don’t really stay in his room much but that is OK as we prefer to look out the front living room window. Watching the comings and goings on our street is more fun.

Summer is fast approaching. With the change of seasons, both of us are starting to “blow” our coats. On me, that means mostly the undercoat near my rear legs and tail is falling out. I look somewhat ratty but it will pass. Riley on the other hand has a massive amount of undercoat all over. He is dropping fur everywhere. Dad has brushed us several times and continues to be amazed at the amount of fur that we are shedding.

Interesting note is the color of my undercoat. It is a soft gray and is pretty in color. I bet that the local birds who are building nests in the trees around the yard would love to score some of it. Those baby birds would be born into the lap of soft, cushy luxury.

That is all for now. Goodbye from Burbank, the Media City!

Where Has The Time Gone? Part 1

The title of this blog post says it all. More time than I care to admit has passed since the last missive. In my defense, events have unfolded that kept this Alaskan Klee Kai and her companion, Riley immensely busy.

As you may remember it was just before Thanksgiving of last year.The holidays were coming up with all that that entails. Parties, friends, family and events all conspired to keep me and Riley busy. We greeted friends and family as they came to celebrate the holiday gatherings. Yips, howls and barks were given to all as welcomes to our home. In return, a shower of attention and love was bestowed upon us. Special treats as well as presents were given to us for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The holiday season also marked the time when Steven came home from college to visit. What joy as our pack was complete! We got used to having Steven around to take us on walks, play ball with me, scratch Riley’s head and just in general, love us.

New Years then came and with it Steven’s return to Ann Arbor and his final semester at U-Mich. We missed him but knew that in less than 5 months he would return. And the time seemed to pass quickly. One day, Mom and Dad flew back to U-Mich to see Steven graduate and help him pack for his return home. They were gone for 5 days. But upon their return, the pack was restored to its full complement as Steven had come home.

Boy were we happy. Much noise was heard as we sang and barked in joyous celebration. Riley jumped up into Steven’s lap and wagged his tail in furious delight. I ran around the living room, yipping and singing with abandon. Both Alaskan Klee Kai were really tired that evening.

More tales from the two Alaskan Klee Kai from Burbank when I post part 2 of this blog.....